The Future Of Education


This book underscores that real education goes far beyond formal qualifications. It presents the skills we need to be successful in today's life and find personal growth and fulfillment in the process. The focus is on 20 life skills like Attentional Intelligence, Realism, Learning Intelligence and more. Essential qualities which are very crucial today for development and fulfillment in a rapidly changing world.

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“As pivotal as traditional literacy and numeracy are, the horizon of education is expanding. The future beckons a more holistic approach: Life Mastery or, more aptly, Life Literacy.

It’s an all-encompassing education paradigm where mastering the art of living becomes the prime directive.

While literacy and numeracy lay an important groundwork, Life Mastery demands a broader spectrum of life skills – all twenty, which are presented in this book.

From the depths of Feeling Intelligence to Pragmatism and Action Intelligence, from the Groundedness in Reality to the pursuit of Freedom and Satisfaction, Life Mastery, or Life Literacy, seeks to mold not just informed and numerate citizens but evolved, well-rounded individuals.”

– From "The Future Of Education", Chapter VI